Certification Gets Social!
On Persistence

Interesting Study Tips

Here is a certification test study tip I've never seen before:

"Think like a 60 year old white man."

This is a study tip included in a document posted on an ASAE & The Center online community for CAE candidates (you need to sign in).  Let me be clear that the community and the study tips are NOT provided by or affiliated with the CAE Commission.  ASAE & The Center created the community and any member is free to post what they want.

However, it's sad that such a statement is included on a test-taking tip sheet!  And, in defense of the CAE exam, it's not at all true.  The CAE Commission is not a group of 60 YOMM, nor is the item writing group.  I've participated on both (when was a 30something white female).  So, where is this impression coming from, I wonder?  Hopefully just the opinion of the creator of the list.

But it raises an important point.  As an association/certification exec, you should continually monitor the environment and see what is being said about you and your exam - good, bad or indifferent.  Maybe there are perceptions out there you need to address.


Ben Martin, CAE

That's a commonly-known tongue-in-cheek tip that I heard from a CAE as I was studying for the exam about four years ago. I believe I'm the one who first put it on the web three years ago and it has apparently made the rounds.
And I'll stand by the advice. Think like a 60 year old white man is a proxy for think like a tenured, experienced professional.


Interesting, Ben. I personally do not hear "tenured experienced professional" from "60 year old white man" AT ALL. But maybe that's just me. I did get an e-mail from someone that said he got through the exam by saying "What would a Boomer do?" I'm not sure what this all means...but I guess it concerns me from the perspective of trying to get younger professionals excited about becoming a CAE!

Ben Martin, CAE

It should be concerning. Unfortunately, I think the advice works. Maybe if WHADITW was required reading for the CAE, the advice could be withdrawn, but for the time being it is good advice. :-)

Ben Martin, CAE

I don't know, Mickie. Perception is reality. When the right answer to a question about antitrust is "Make a loud noise and leave the room," well... I can only imagine a crusty old guy doing that.

David Gammel

I heard that too when I was studying for the exam. Maybe it was only shared with future 60-year old white men? :)

My interpretation of it was to answer questions with the traditional response rather than with innovation. All the questions are based on ASAE source material, so it is by definition a backward facing perspective on the art of association management.

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